14th Annual Alcohol Law and Policy Conference: Highlights from Chicago

The Center for Alcohol Policy returned to the Windy City August 29-31, 2021, to host its 14th Annual Alcohol Law and Policy Conference (ALPC) with exceptional attendance and an array of highly rated sessions on topics ranging from the intricacies of alcohol regulations and product definitions to a presentation by Dr. David Jernigan on the regulation of cannabis and lessons learned from alcohol.
The ALPC brings together a wide range of stakeholders in the alcohol policy arena to learn about and discuss trending issues and network with regulators, lawmakers, public health advocates, and industry representatives from all three tiers. This year’s hybrid event hosted over 170 in-person and virtual attendees from nearly 40 states. And despite the complexities of hosting a partially virtual experience while navigating public health protocols to ensure a safe environment for everyone in-person, feedback received from attendees was outstanding.
Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul was the conference keynote speaker at Monday’s lunch and delivered a sincere appeal to all alcohol policy stakeholders to continue the work of supporting responsible alcohol regulation in our communities.

ALPC attendees also heard from pollster Kathryn Hahne of New Bridge Strategy on the results of the Center’s 2021 national sentiment survey on alcohol regulation which found strong, continuing support for state-based alcohol regulation and the three-tier system, despite changing behaviors during the pandemic.
As always, the impact of alcohol regulation on public health and safety was an important theme this year. One particularly exceptional panel focused on the onset of regulation relaxations in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Center also hosted two distinguished panels of legal experts: One revisited the Supreme Court decision in TWSRA V Thomas, the decision’s impact on state alcohol regulation, and the nearly 10 other litigation challenges currently winding their way through the court system. Another panel welcomed legal experts from both Ohio and Michigan to discuss landmark lawsuits involving the 21st Amendment Enforcement Act and the possibility of similar litigation in more states.

Finally, we appreciated hearing from TTB Deputy Administrator David Wulf who delivered an update on the bureau’s activities, provided insightful information, and answered many of our audiences’ lingering questions about the laws and regulations the agency enforces.

The 14th Annual ALPC was received remarkably well, and alcohol regulation and public health professionals were able to witness the unique value of the Center’s work. We trust that more will do the same in the years ahead!