2023 National Survey Report

Americans Support State Based Alcohol Regulation and See Public Health and Safety as Priorities for Legislators
The Center for Alcohol Policy’s 2023 survey on public sentiment toward alcohol regulation in the U.S. found that attitudes among adult Americans remain the same: the long-standing alcohol regulatory system in the U.S. works, and people like it. There is overwhelming consensus throughout the nation that alcohol is a product that needs to be regulated. This includes similar numbers of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents showing that strong, state-based regulation of alcohol is one of the few issues that Americans of all affiliations agree on.
“Every other year the Center commissions a national survey that takes the temperature of Americans and their opinions regarding a wide variety of topics related to alcohol and its regulation. There are some questions that have been asked for over a decade and others specific to current industry trends. The survey results show that Americans are satisfied with the current alcohol regulatory structure and want to see public health and safety prioritized above all” said Kelly Roberson, Executive Director of the Center for Alcohol Policy.