Massachusetts Alcohol Regulator Receives 11th Annual Leadership in Alcohol Regulation Award

Philadelphia, PA – The Center for Alcohol Policy is pleased to announce it is awarding Frederick “Ted” Mahony, Chief Investigator of the Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission, with its 2023 Leadership in Alcohol Regulation Award.
The Center announced the award, which recognizes a specific program, agency or person who oversees the alcohol industry and promotes public health and safety, at the 16th Annual Alcohol Law and Policy Conference.
“The Center is proud to present this award to Ted Mahony for providing leadership within the alcohol industry,” said Kelly Roberson, Executive Director of the Center for Alcohol Policy. “Ted is a true public servant who is known as a leader not only in Massachusetts but nationally as well. His development of special enforcement programs continue to be a primer for the industry on methodology to protect public safety and maintain an orderly marketplace.”
Chief Mahony has served as Chief of Investigations and Enforcement with the Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission since 2001. He was named the National Liquor Law Enforcement Association (NLLEA) Agent of the Year for his leadership in ensuring effective liquor law in Massachusetts in 2004 and four years later, the ABCC was recognized as the NLLEA Agency of the Year under his guidance. Ted has dedicated recent years at the commission to addressing both unlicensed interstate and licensed direct-to-consumer alcohol shipments to Massachusetts consumers.
“Ted never shies away from a difficult task and leans into the hard work by bringing cases with a wide industry impact,” added Roberson. “His dogged determination serves as an example to regulators around the country as to how to strike a balance between public health and safety and responsible growth of the industry.”