Call for 2024 Leadership in Alcohol Regulation Award Nominations

Your state alcohol regulators and agencies work diligently to protect public health and ensure the safety of consumers. The Center for Alcohol Policy is proud to offer an opportunity to recognize these agencies and people for the work that they do. 

Now is your time to honor this work. Nominations are now open for the 12th Annual Leadership in Alcohol Regulation Award, which will be presented at the Center’s 2024 Alcohol Law and Policy Conference in Indianapolis.

The award recognizes the work of alcohol regulators across the country who oversee the alcohol industry and promote public health and safety. Any governmental agency or its employees working to promote and enforce alcohol laws and regulations are eligible for the award. Potential nominees include programs that have achieved positive results or individuals within an agency going above and beyond the call of duty. 


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Center for Alcohol Policy
277 S. Washington Street Suite 500-A Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 519-3090