TTB Deputy Administrator David Wulf to Present at 2021 ALPC

We are pleased to announce that Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) Deputy Administrator David Wulf will present at the Center’s 14th Annual Alcohol Law and Policy Conference in Chicago August 29-31.

In this capacity, Mr. Wulf oversees the collection of approximately $20 billion per year in federal alcohol, tobacco, and firearms and ammunition excise taxes, as well as the regulatory frameworks and permitting systems established for those industries under the authority of the Internal Revenue Code and the Federal Alcohol Administration Act.

Mr. Wulf will deliver an update on the bureau’s activities, provide insightful information, and answer many of your lingering questions about the laws and regulations the agency enforces. 


Responsible Retailing Forum Releases First Research Brief in Series on Insights from 25 Years

Brad Krevor, director of the Responsible Retailing Forum (RRF), will be releasing a series of research briefs based on “insights and learnings from 25 years of research in responsible retailing.”

His first brief, which was released this week, addresses underage sales of alcohol, why they occur, and reviews a study conducted by researchers at Brandeis University that analyzed the implementation and effectiveness of an ExxonMobil Assurance of Voluntary Compliance (AVC), a responsible retailing program. The study revealed why underage sales persist despite intensive training and point-of-point sales protocols. 


Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul to Keynote 2021 ALPC

We are pleased to announce that the Honorable Kwame Raoul will keynote the Center’s 14th Annual Alcohol Law and Policy Conference taking place in Chicago, August 29-31, 2021. 

2021 ALPC Registration Now Open!

Registration for the Center for Alcohol Policy’s 14th Annual Alcohol Law and Policy Conference  is officially open! The 2021 ALPC will be held Monday, August 29 – Tuesday, August 31, 2021 in Chicago, IL. at the Hyatt Centric Chicago Magnificent Mile. Registration and accommodation details can be found on our conference page.

This year’s program and agenda are being finalized and will be posted to the Center for Alcohol Policy’s website as soon as it’s available. The Center is also exploring the possibility of offering a virtual attendance option. For an idea of the content that will be provided, you can view our 2019 and 2020 agendas. We look forward to seeing you all later this summer!


Despite Changing Behaviors During Pandemic, America’s Attitude Remains the Same: The Alcohol Regulatory System Works and Americans Like It

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – A new poll commissioned by the Center for Alcohol Policy on public sentiment toward alcohol regulation in the U.S. found that despite some changing behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic, attitudes among adult Americans remain the same: the long-standing alcohol regulatory system in the U.S. works, and people like it.  Although many states have temporarily loosened some alcohol laws in response to the pandemic there is overwhelming consensus throughout the nation that alcohol is a product that needs to be regulated. In fact, a CAP survey record-high 85 percent of Americans are satisfied with the existing system for alcohol regulation in their respective states. 


2021 Alcohol Law and Policy Conference Scheduled for Aug. 29 – 31 in Chicago, IL

Save the date! We are planning to hold our 14th Annual Alcohol Law and Policy Conference August 29-31, 2021 in Chicago, Ill., and we can’t wait to see you all in person again later this year!

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St. Louis Attorney Wins First Place in Center for Alcohol Policy Writing Competition

The Center for Alcohol Policy is pleased to announce that Monica Pechous, a Chicago-Kent College of Law graduate, has been named the winner of its 13th annual writing competition. Pechous graduated from Kent Law in December of 2020 and will start full-time as an intellectual property litigation associate at Tucker Ellis, LLP in St. Louis, MO later this year.


Alabama Alcohol Regulator Receives 2020 Leadership in Alcohol Regulation Award

The Center for Alcohol Policy is pleased to announce that Summer Childers, Director of the Licensing and Compliance Division of the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, is the recipient of the Eighth Annual Leadership in Alcohol Regulation Award. 


13th Annual Alcohol Law and Policy Conference Virtual Series Update

If you are attending our Alcohol Law and Policy Conference series over the month of September, we have created a page on our website that will house all program and session materials for the conference and much more. To gain access, you must register. Upon registering, you will receive the password to view the page. Some materials are still outstanding and will be uploaded as received throughout the month. You can still register for the conference here.

Alcohol Law and Policy Conference goes virtual for 2020!

We’re pleased to announce our 13th Annual Alcohol Law and Policy Conference will move virtual for 2020. The conference will have a series of seminars scheduled to take place virtually over the course of four consecutive Wednesdays in the month of September.

In an effort to accommodate varied schedules and time zones, all sessions will be made available on-demand to conference registrants after the live seminars conclude; however, we encourage you to join live to participate in the Q&A portion of all sessions. 

Center for Alcohol Policy Announces 13th Annual Essay Contest

The Center for Alcohol Policy is now accepting entries for its 13th Annual Essay Contest. This national academic event is intended to foster debate, analysis and examination of state alcohol regulation in the 21st Century.


Center releases new paper addressing Covid-19, recent alcohol de-regulations

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Today the Center for Alcohol Policy released a report confronting the wave of alcohol de-regulations around the country as a result of the Covid-19 public health emergency. 


Center for Alcohol Policy Names Kelly Roberson Executive Director

The Center for Alcohol Policy recently appointed Kelly Roberson as its new executive director. Previously working on Capitol Hill and in the private sector, Roberson brings extensive knowledge and experience in policy and marketing.


Nominations Open for Eighth Annual Leadership in Alcohol Regulation Award

Nominations are open for the Center for Alcohol Policy’s Eighth Annual Leadership in Alcohol Regulation Award to be presented at the Center’s 13th Annual Alcohol Law and Policy Conference, August 30 – September 1 at the Hyatt Centric Magnificent Mile in Chicago, Ill. More information can be found here.


Center for Alcohol Policy Statement on Sixth Circuit Ruling on Lebamoff v. Michigan

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Today the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled for the state of Michigan and reversed a district court decision that struck a law preventing out-of-state retailers from selling to Michigan consumers. An Indiana retailer seeking to sell wine to Michigan consumers claimed that the Michigan law is a violation of the dormant Commerce Clause. However, Michigan retailers are required to follow the state of Michigan’s alcohol laws, but Indiana retailers are not. The Center for Alcohol Policy filed an amicus brief in favor of the state of Michigan.

Today, Center for Alcohol Policy Advisor and former Rhode Island Attorney General Patrick Lynch released a statement on the ruling. You can view it here.


Registration Open for 2020 Alcohol Law and Policy Conference Virtual Series

Registration is open for the Center for Alcohol Policy’s 13th Annual Alcohol Law and Policy Conference Virtual Series! We’re doing things a little differently this year and hope you’ll be able to join us online.

Click here for more details!


Loosening of State Regulations, Direct-to-Consumer Sales Increase Counterfeit Alcohol Risks

Today the Center for Alcohol Policy released its newest report on the need for states to evaluate the risks of fake alcohol stemming from online or interstate direct-to-consumer (DTC) sales in the United States.


Loyola University Chicago Law Student Wins First Place in Center for Alcohol Policy National Essay Contest

The Center for Alcohol Policy is pleased to announce that Travis Thickstun, a first year J.D. candidate at Loyola University School of Law in Chicago, has been named the winner of its Twelfth Annual Essay Contest. Thickstun also works for the Indiana Excise Police and holds a Master of Jurisprudence from Indiana University McKinney School of Law in Indianapolis.

Timothy Gervais, a tax accountant from California, and Adrienne Southworth, the former deputy chief of staff for a Lt. Governor, received second and third place.


Floridians Show Strong Support for State Regulation of Alcohol

(TALLAHASSEE, Fl.) – A new poll commissioned by the Center for Alcohol Policy on public opinion toward alcohol regulation found that Floridians are overwhelmingly supportive of the state regulation of alcohol with 91% in agreement that it is very important to keep the alcohol industry regulated. This support is roughly 5% higher than what was found in a national poll on the same topic.


Center for Alcohol Policy Celebrates 86th Anniversary of the 21st Amendment

On this day in 1933, the United States ratified the 21st Amendment to the Constitution, laying down the foundation for today’s state-based alcohol regulatory system.


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Center for Alcohol Policy
277 S. Washington Street Suite 500-A Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 519-3090