Center Holds 12th Annual Alcohol Law and Policy Conference with Record Breaking Attendance

A Message from the Center’s Executive Director


The Center Co-hosts Arizona Alcohol Policy Forum Examining State-Based Alcohol Regulation, E-Commerce, Public Health and Safety

The Center held its 7th State Alcohol Policy Forum on Friday, September 6 in Scottsdale, Arizona in coordination with the Beverage Alcohol Community Information Council (BACIC)Click here to read more…

Kansas Alcohol Regulator Receives National Award at Center for Alcohol Policy Conference

The Center for Alcohol Policy is pleased to announce that Debbi Beavers, Director of the Kansas Alcoholic Beverage Control, is the recipient of the Seventh Annual Leadership in Alcohol Regulation Award.

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2019 Annual Essay Contest Topic Announced

The Center for Alcohol Policy is now accepting entries for its 12th Annual National Essay Contest. The topic for this year’s contest is:

During the United States Supreme Court 2019 term, the Court announced in June its decision in Tennessee Wine and Spirits Retailers Association v. Thomas. Based on the Court’s decision, what do you believe will be the next steps for alcohol policy in the United States?

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Celebrating a Decade of Essays! Free E-book Collection Now Available.

The Center for Alcohol Policy is celebrating 10 years of its annual essay contest that explores alcohol regulation in the 21st century.  Each year, students and professionals are encouraged to participate in this significant effort to bring attention to state alcohol regulation, its complexities and many successes.

The Center has comprised a collection of these essays written by the its previous 1st place recipients from 2008 – 2018, which you can download for free here.

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National Poll Shows Support for State Regulation of Alcohol Bridges Partisan Gap

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – A new poll commissioned by the Center for Alcohol Policy on public opinion toward alcohol regulation found that Americans continue to overwhelmingly support states maintaining the authority to regulate alcohol within their own borders.  Notably, this support is remarkably strong across political party lines despite the heightened political polarization of today.  85 percent of Republicans, 81 percent of Democrats and 83 percent of Independents express support for alcohol being regulated at the state level. Read more…

National Poll Finds Strong Support for State Residency Laws Amid Pending Supreme Court Case Re: Alcohol Regulation

ALEXANDRIA, Va. –  According to a  national survey commissioned every two years by the Center for Alcohol Policy, an overwhelming majority of the public supports requiring alcohol retailers to be a resident of their respective state. This is the first time that the Center has tested public support for residency requirements in order to obtain a license to sell alcohol and found that fully 77% of Americans favor these laws.

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North Carolina Alcohol Policy Forum Examines State-Based Alcohol Regulation, Public Health and Safety

DURHAM, NC – On Monday, Feb. 25 The Center for Alcohol Policy and the North Carolina Beer and Wine Wholesalers Association co-hosted one of the Center’s state alcohol policy forums, which enjoyed the attendance of over 50 state policymakers, legislative staff, alcohol regulators, several public health representatives, and industry members.  Read More…

Essay on State-Level Alcohol Licensing Wins First Place in Center for Alcohol Policy’s 11th Annual Essay Contest

The Center for Alcohol Policy is pleased to announce that Nathaniel E. Moyer, an associate attorney at Harrison & Moberly, LLP in Indianapolis, has been named the winner of the Center’s 11th Annual Essay Contest. The national essay contest is intended to foster debate, analysis and examination of alcohol policy.

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Virginia Alcohol Regulator Receives National Award at Center for Alcohol Policy Annual Conference

The Center for Alcohol Policy is pleased to announce that Chris Curtis, Deputy Secretary to the Board with the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority (Virginia ABC), is the recipient of the Sixth Annual Leadership in Alcohol Regulation Award.


New Report Examines Challenges & Solutions for Fake IDs in Evolving Retail Environment

The Center for Alcohol Policy has released a new report, “Fake IDs in America: Challenges of Identification and the Critical Need for Training,” authored by Susan Dworak, CEO of Real Identities, LLC. The report outlines current challenges posed by fake IDs, identifies best practices for verifying identification on alcohol sales, and proactive measures policymakers, regulators and licensees can take to protect against alcohol purchases with fake IDs.

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Center for Alcohol Policy Recognizes Alcohol Awareness Month

The Center for Alcohol Policy is joining organizations across the country in April to recognize Alcohol Awareness Month, a nationwide campaign that raises awareness of the problems that alcohol abuse can cause for individuals, their families and their communities.

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Essay on Modern Goals of Temperance Wins First Place in Center for Alcohol Policy’s 10th Annual Essay Contest

The Center for Alcohol Policy is pleased to announce that Joseph Uhlman, a third-year law student at the University of Kansas School of Law, has been named the winner of its 10th Annual Essay Contest. The national essay contest is intended to foster debate, analysis and examination of alcohol policy.

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Center for Alcohol Policy Marks Anniversary of 21st Amendment

On Tuesday, Dec. 5, the Center for Alcohol Policy will commemorate the 84th  anniversary of the ratification of the 21st Amendment to the United States Constitution. On that date in 1933, Prohibition ended in the United States when 36 states (the requisite three-fourths majority of the then 48 states) ratified the 21st Amendment to the United States Constitution, thereby repealing the 18th Amendment which began Prohibition in 1920.

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New Report Analyzes Implementation of Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme

The Center for Alcohol Policy released a new report, “Combatting Fake, Counterfeit, and Contraband Alcohol Challenges in the United Kingdom through the Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme (AWRS),” authored by Robert Tobiassen, the former Chief Counsel at the Treasury Department’s Alcohol Tax and Trade Bureau. The report is a follow up to his 2014 report, “The ‘Fake Alcohol’ Situation in the United States: The Impact of Culture, Market Economics, and the Current Regulatory Systems,” that examined the high number of incidences of fake alcohol in countries around the world, compared to the low number of incidences in the United States.

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Center for Alcohol Policy Marks Constitution Day

This Constitution Day, celebrated annually on Sept. 17, the Center for Alcohol Policy is highlighting its educational resources that explain the 21st Amendment’s role in establishing America’s state-based regulatory system. The Center for Alcohol Policy video The Origins of America’s State-Based Regulatory System illustrates the origin of today’s alcohol regulatory system, which works to balance alcohol control with an orderly and competitive marketplace.

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Maryland Alcohol Regulator Receives National Award at Center for Alcohol Policy Annual Conference

The Center for Alcohol Policy announced that Kathie Durbin, chief of licensure, regulation and education at the Montgomery County, Maryland, Department of Liquor Control, is the recipient of the Fifth Annual Leadership in Alcohol Regulation Award. The award, which recognizes a specific program, agency or person who oversees the alcohol industry and promotes public safety, was presented by the Center’s Advisory Council at the 10th Annual Alcohol Law and Policy Conference, in Chicago, Illinois, last week.

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Public’s Concern Over Alcohol Misuse Remains High

According to a recently released national poll commissioned by the Center for Alcohol Policy, four-in-five Americans support individual states’ ability to regulate alcohol. The poll results also show that 93% of respondents believes drunk driving problems remain an extremely or very serious problem, a number surpassing concerns about opioid abuse which has dominated the nation’s headlines recently. Binge drinking and underage drinking are seen as  extremely to very serious problems, as well, at 78% and 73% respectively.

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Fears of Tainted Alcohol at Mexican Resorts Underscore Need for Effective Alcohol Regulation

Recent news reports indicate that several tourists and families travelling to all-inclusive resorts in Mexico suspect they were given tainted alcohol, which in some cases resulted in death. The reports underscore a stark contrast between alcohol regulation in Mexico and the United States, where state-based alcohol regulation and a three-tiered system of distribution provides a clear chain of custody and guards against tainted alcohol products reaching consumers.

A report by former Chief Counsel for the United States Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Robert M. Tobiassen, “The ‘Fake Alcohol’ Situation in the United States: The Impact of Culture, Market Economics, and the Current Regulatory Systems,” explains why there are few incidents of fake alcohol products in the United States. The study describes “strong regulatory systems that police the production, importation, distribution and retail sales of alcohol beverages through independent parties” and the country’s “competitive marketplace that provides alcohol beverages at all price points.”

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Alcohol Policy Forum Examines Benefits of Current Alcohol Regulations

The Center for Alcohol Policy has unveiled a new video highlighting discussion and debate during the Pennsylvania Alcohol Policy Forum, held on March 22. The event, which took place in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, brought together more than 70 alcohol regulators, state lawmakers, legislative staff, public health representatives and industry members.

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Center for Alcohol Policy
277 S. Washington Street Suite 500-A Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 519-3090