National Experts: Alcohol is Different, Requires Effective Regulation

Alcohol is different from other consumer products and requires different laws, a panel of alcohol policy experts said at the third and final session of the Center for Alcohol Policy’s 2012 Michigan Policy Forum Series in Lansing.  Panelists included Andrew Deloney, Michigan Liquor Control Commission; Brannon Denning, Center for Alcohol Policy Advisory Council and Cumberland School of Law, Samford University; Pamela Erickson; Public Action Management, PLC; Howard Goldberg, Willingham & Cote, P.C., East Lansing, Michigan; and Steven Schmidt, National Alcohol Beverage Control Association. Click here to download the presentation, or listen to panelist Pamela Erickson preview the event on WJIM radio hereRead more…

Law Enforcement Leaders: Michigan Must Put Public Safety First and Enhance Alcohol Safeguards

The Center for Alcohol Policy continued its 2012 Michigan Policy Forum Series on April 18 with Session Two of the series, “Public Safety and Law Enforcement in Alcohol Regulation.” Michigan must stand firm against trends that threaten to water down the state’s system of alcohol safeguards and regulations, and policymakers should consistently weigh public health and safety as a priority, a panel of law enforcement leaders said. The series will conclude with Session Three, “What’s Happening in the World of Alcohol Regulation,” on Thursday, May 3, 2012, at the Radisson Hotel Lansing. Click here to download the Session Two presentation. Read more…

Industry Experts, Business Leaders: Michigan’s Alcohol System is Strong, Pro-Growth

Michigan’s existing system of alcohol regulations and safeguards has helped manufacturers, distributors and retailers in the beer and wine sectors succeed economically while balancing public safety and health priorities,according to panelists at a Center for Alcohol Policy forum in Lansing, Michigan. The forum, “The Economic Impact of the Alcohol Industry in Michigan,” was the first of the CAP’s 2012 Michigan Alcohol Policy Series.  Session Two of the series, “Public Safety and Law Enforcement in Alcohol Regulation,” will take place Wednesday, April 18, 2012; and Session Three of the series, “What’s Happening in the World of Alcohol Regulation,” will take place Thursday, May 3, 2012. Click here to download the Session One presentation.  Read more here.

New York Attorney Wins First Place in Center for Alcohol Policy Fourth Annual Essay Contest

The Center for Alcohol Policy is pleased to announce that Laura Napoli, an attorney from New York, New York, is the winner of its Fourth Annual Essay Contest.  Napoli’s essay, “A Regulatory Roadmap: The Importance of Toward Liquor Control to Modern Alcohol Policy,” outlines how Toward Liquor Control explains why today’s state alcohol regulatory systems developed the way they did and provided a blueprint for many of the alcohol regulatory systems that are in place today.  Click here to learn more.

Center for Alcohol Policy Republishes Toward Liquor Control

The Center for Alcohol Policy (CAP) is excited to announce the republication of Raymond B. Fosdick’s and Albert L. Scott’s, Toward Liquor Control, which has been out of circulation for more than 50 years. This book provides those interested in effective state-based alcohol regulation with a historical perspective and an understanding of why the system remains important today. Click here to purchase! Toward Liquor Control is also available in popular e-book formats. Click here to purchase as a Nook Book from Barnes and Noble, or click here to purchase the Kindle edition.  E-book copies are also available for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch with iBooks and on your computer with iTunes.

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277 S. Washington Street Suite 500-A Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 519-3090